Optical Services

Eye Care Services Boca Raton, FlFall is the perfect time to switch out your eyeglass frames for something fresh and new. The following tips will help you make an informed decision about how to choose the right frames for you.

Know what works with your face shape

Is your face square, diamond, heart-shaped, round, or oval? The type of face shape you have will determine the type of frames that compliment your features the best.

  1. Round face: If your face has a round look, angular frames like squares or rectangles will add symmetry and balance to your features. Avoid frames that are small, round, or rimless.
  2. Square Face: Eyeglasses that are oval or round will add a nice softness to the angles of your face. Avoid frames that are box-shaped, as these will make a square face look more angular.
  3. Oval face: Search out geometric frames that are slightly wider than your face. Avoid eyeglasses that are too large and cover up too much of your face. This will throw off the natural symmetry of your face shape.
  4. Heart shaped face: Choose frames that are round or square with curved sides. This will draw attention away from a high forehead. Avoid styles that are decorative or embellished.
  5. Diamond Face: Oval frames or cat eyeglasses will add a nice accent to your delicate face shape. Avoid narrow or square frames.

Remember, the key to finding the right frames is contrast. If you select eyeglasses that are the opposite of your face shape, it’s difficult to go wrong.

Choose frames that are conducive to your lifestyle

Are you an active individual with loads of athletic type activities on your list? If so, search out sturdier brands that can bend or twist without breaking.

What is your personality type?

Maybe you’re all business during the week, but when the weekend comes you like accessories that are colorful and stylish.  Don’t be afraid to choose two different frames: one that expresses your outgoing personality and the other to exude a feeling of professionalism. Go with what you feel comfortable and confident wearing.

At Aker Kasten Eye Center, we’re here to help you achieve healthy eyesight. As part of that goal, be sure to schedule regular eye exams. To arrange your next exam, call us at 561-338-7722.