Eye Floaters

You may have been warned about floaters (bright little lines or dots that pan across your vision for a few seconds) in the past, especially if you have a high prescription for your eyes. But are they really as serious as you’ve been told? Are you worrying about them too much?

Maybe you’ve experienced them randomly, and have never had anyone tell you your eyes are experiencing any issues. Floaters can occur for a number of reasons, but they don’t always require an emergency call to your doctor. Keep reading to learn about floaters and some of the myths you may have been told about them.

Floaters are Always Bad

Floaters are not always bad or indicate that your eyes are in danger. You may have been warned about floaters, or you may have never heard about them (in that case, you probably should be aware of them).

Most of the time, thankfully, floaters are completely harmless. In fact, much of the time, they move and float along in front of your line of sight for a few moments and then disappear just as quick as they appeared. They don’t hurt and they don’t block your vision. In fact, those little webs, squiggles, and dots might actually be mildly entertaining! For many of us, they’re just slight distractions from the rest of your day.

Floaters are Harmless

Before you take away the idea that all floaters are completely harmless, remember that they can also be a sign of a serious eye issue. If you’re very nearsighted, have had a cataract operation, or have diabetes, you will have a higher chance of experiencing floaters in your vision. In certain patients, these floaters may be combined with other signs of eye complications such as flashing lights or a loss of peripheral vision. If your floaters are not going away, or are combined with flashing lights or a loss of vision, then it’s time to call your doctor.

If you’re concerned about your eye health or have questions about glaucoma or macular degeneration, then give us a call at 561.338.772 to schedule a consultation today. Keeping your eyes healthy is important to us!