Eye Care,Eye Conditions

An injury to the eye may be mild or severe. In fact, some problems that arise may result in permanent eye damage and vision loss. An injury to the eye can happen at any time, anywhere, to anyone. Children and adults needs to take great care to protect their eyes when engaging in certain sports or activities including woodworking and welding.

What do I do when I experience an eye injury?

In some situations, a minor injury to the eye can be handled at home. However, there are other times when a visit to the optometrist is in order. Below are common eye concerns and first aid tips and recommendations.

  • Particle/foreign object in the eye – If a foreign object has entered the eye, it is essential that patients do not rub their eyes or use any type of instrument to remove it. It is best to flush the eyes with water, then visit an eye doctor for an evaluation to check for secondary injuries (such as a corneal scratch) and to ensure the particle has been successfully removed from the eye.
  • Cut or puncture to the eye – In situations where the eye is cut, it is important to avoid washing out the eye and rubbing the eye. Instead, seek medical attention immediately to address the problem under the care of a professional.
  • Chemical burns – When a chemical enters into the eye, it is essential to immediately flush the eye with clean, cool water. This should be done with the eyelids open as wide as possible and for at least fifteen minutes. After cleansing has occurred, patients should then seek medical attention immediately from an eye doctor or with an emergency room visit.

Are you faced with an eye injury and require assistance?

Contact the team at Aker Kasten Eye Center of Boca Raton, FL today to learn more about the steps required to address common injuries and emergencies. Call (561) 338-7722 to get an evaluation from our eye care professionals and protect your eye health and vision. We have numerous doctors available in the same practice, located at 1445 NW Boca Raton Boulevard.