Why You Need An Eye Exam

Eye Exam

Just because you can see fine doesn’t mean you should forget about your eye health. Occasional eye exams can help prevent the progression of major eye problems if caught beforehand. Your eye doctor can also catch diabetes early on. If you haven’t been to your eye doctor in a few years, its time to schedule…

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Eye examination in progress

The Reason Behind Your Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

Tears are an invaluable component of maintaining consistent, comfortable, and clear vision. Tears lubricate the eyes using a mix of oils, mucus, antibodies, and water. When there is an imbalance in this combination of ingredients, dry eye can result. You might have dry eye if… If you have dry eye, you could be experiencing: a…

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Dry Eyes, Boca Raton, FL

This Is Why You Have Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters

Do you have small spots that float across your vision? If you stare at a light or bright blue sky, these floaters may become a little more obvious. They are generally a nuisance but they should not be so annoying that they impede your ability to see well. Sometimes, a particularly large floater can create…

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Eye Floaters Boca Raton, FL

The Signs of Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is an age related condition that results in the deterioration of the retina. Vision can be significantly diminished, but symptoms can be treated using vision aids, medications, vitamins, or laser therapy. At present there is no cure for macular degeneration so it is important to have regular eye appointments if you exhibit any…

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Macular Degeneration Boca Raton, FL

How To Prepare For Your Eye Exam

Eye Exam

Those with perfect vision may think that regular eye exams are unnecessary. This is a dangerous falsehood that could result in an eye disease being left unchecked. Eye exams are an essential tool in eye health and identifying potential eye problems before they progress to the point of no return. Your eye doctor is also…

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Full Service Eye Care Boca Raton, FL

How Your Lifestyle Could Be Causing Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes can be excessively painful or a minor irritation. For some, dry eyes impede their ability to read, watch TV, or get work done on the computer. They may also be particularly uncomfortable in dry environments like airplanes. Tears lubricate the eye and are spread across the surface of the eye every time you…

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Dry Eyes Boca Raton, FL

How to Treat Keratoconus

Eye Conditions,Eye Health

Keratoconus is an eye issue where the structure of the cornea is so weak that it bulges outward, creating a cone shape. The cornea is known as the “windshield” of the eye and is normally formed in a dome shape. Read on to find out what causes Keratoconus and what you can do about it….

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Full Service Eye Care Boca Raton, FL

How Botox Can Help You Look Your Best


Botox is one of the most popular non surgical cosmetic procedures in the U.S. Not only can Botox reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but also relax and soften your look while making you appear younger. No wonder so many people love Botox treatments! How Botox works Botox injections will block the communication between nerves and…

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Cosmetic Enhancement Boca Raton, FL

Foods To Eat For Healthier Eyes

Eye Care

Beyond regular eye check ups and wearing sunglasses, you can care for your eyes on a daily basis by consuming the right types of foods. Consider how you can integrate the following foods into your daily meals for healthier eyes. Red Peppers Bell peppers have an enormous amount of vitamin C, which enhances your eyes…

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