Picking Your New Intraocular Lens


Not everyone gets to pick the lens they see everything through. I suppose if you have cataracts and are getting laser cataract surgery, that is one of the pros about your condition. Your old lens might have let you down, but now you get to choose a new one. Your doctor will help you make…

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Macular Degeneration: Are Your Eyes Wet or Dry?

Macular Degeneration

Did you know that macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States for people over the age of 55? Generally caused by old age, macular degeneration is not only the leading cause of blindness, it is also incurable. The macula is part of the retina, which is what controls and focuses…

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Repair Your Eyes with Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

If you have cloudy eyes thanks to a cataract, you can actually have that repaired—and it’s fairly easy too! The surgery will replace your cloudy lens with a new, man-made one. This new lens will improve your vision. It will be like you have an entirely new eye, because in a way you do! With…

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All About Glaucoma and Its Signs


Glaucoma is a condition which damages your eye’s optic nerve of your eyes and worsens over time. Many times it’s associated with the buildup of pressure in the eye itself. It is usually inherited genetically and could show up later on in life due to old age. Intraocular pressure, or an increase of pressure within…

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Are You at Risk for Glaucoma?


Glaucoma is known to be the ‘silent thief of sight’ as it does not usually come with pain and the damage it causes to your vision is gradual. It is one eye disease you would never want to have, but you could be at risk. Two percent of adults over the age of 40 have…

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Easy Ways to Prevent Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

Dry eye symptoms are a nuisance and can affect your quality of life. Although various treatments for dry eyes are available here at our Boca Raton eye care practice, it is still important for patients to avoid situations that cause irritation. Here are easy ways you to avoid dry eye symptoms. Say good-bye to smoking….

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Eye Floaters: What Are They?

Eye Care

Do you notice some spots in your vision here and there, as well as tiny specks that seem like cobwebs suddenly drifting from one corner? If you are puzzled as to what they truly are, you may be seeing eye floaters. Although they usually don’t pose a serious concern, they can be bothersome to the…

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Cataracts – Is There A Cure?

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a vision problem that usually affects people over 60 years of age. It is characterized by cloudy vision and can make it hard for the patient to drive at night and recognize faces. Although old people are more likely to have this problem, younger people can develop cataracts, too. The cause of cataracts…

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What is Astigmatism?


If your doctor tells you that you have “astigmatism” it means that the shape of cornea of the eye has changed. Normally the cornea is round. It opens and closes to let in more, or less light depending on the circumstances. When the light enters the normal eye, it deflects to the back of the…

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