Don’t believe everything you read, except this

Eye Care

We know that there are a lot of stories out there causing concern by reporting ways we’re damaging our eyes and vision. Your doctor knows best, however, and wants to separate certain facts from fiction when it comes to your eye health: Using the computer hurts your eyes — FICTION Staring at your computer or…

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Man looking at a tablet

Shedding a light on the causes of near-sightedness

Eye Conditions

New research has shown that cases of near-sightedness in this country and around the world have been rising dramatically. Near-sightedness (myopia) is a condition that causes distant objects to appear blurry, and it used to be blamed mostly on genetics. Today, however, studies are suggesting that there are other, non-hereditary factors at work. Here’s why:…

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Close up of blonde woman wearing trendy glasses

Attention contact lens wearers. You’re doing it all wrong!

Eye Care

If you’re one of the more than 40 million people in the U.S. who wear contacts, you could be making mistakes that lead to eye infections, even vision loss. That’s according to a recent survey undertaken by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The survey revealed that 99% of the 1,000 contact lens…

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Putting in a contact lens

Here’s what your eye trouble might mean

Eye Conditions

It can cause us alarm when we notice we aren’t seeing clearly. Maybe things we try to look at up close seem blurry; or maybe things we used to be able to see in the distance look fuzzy. Patients often come to see us with these kinds of complaints, and most of the time, these…

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Full Service Eye Care

Prevention is the best medicine for our eyes

Eye Care

Many eye complaints – blurry vision, sensitivity to glare, dryness – end up being common issues that can be diagnosed and treated without causing serious harm to your vision. In some cases, however, those same symptoms can be early signs of more serious problems. Anytime you have concerns about your eyes or notice changes in…

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Eye examination in progress

Don’t like the eye color you were born with? Change it.


The idea of there being a simple way to change out the color of your eyes might have sounded like something from a science fiction novel a few decades back. But that was before the invention of colored contacts lenses that make it possible to change your color in the blink of an eye. Colored…

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Close up of a blue eye

Six things our eyes may be trying to tell us

Eye Exam

Your eyes aren’t just the windows to your soul; they’re also the windows to your health. And when your eye doctor does an examination, he or she can see a lot more than the state of your vision. Our eyes can reveal a lot about our health – some things only a doctor can see,…

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Eye examination in progress

A bright new approach to eliminating cataracts

Cataract Surgery

Lasers have been used to treat various eye conditions and diseases for years now, but they’ve only recently been used in laser cataract surgery – and the results have been illuminating. Laser guided laser cataract surgery This latest technology and technique represents a revolutionary advance in the world of cataract eye surgery. And it’s a…

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Close up of a brown eye